Human Biases Can Shape Our Investment Behavior
At Salomon & Ludwin, we believe that a forced discipline to buy lower and sell higher is a logical way to invest. This is easier said than done because we can’t escape our emotions and biases. This article, provided by Federated Hermes, explains how, “we see what...
Investing with Purpose – 3 Mistakes to Avoid
Investors today are increasingly measuring an investment’s merit by its ability to help them meet their financial goals. Whether that is to generate an income stream, preserve capital, send children to college or grow assets within a certain time frame and risk profile....
Retirement Planning: The Financial Connection of Planning, Investments, and Cash Flow
There are some life-changing decisions that people make which require a leap of faith. One of those decisions that investors are hopefully fortunate to make, is: “When do I retire?” For the past 30, 40 maybe even 50 years, you have been working hard to earn an income...
Retirement Planning Checklist: 5 Simple Tips to Help Create Confidence and Comfort in Retirement
Most people work for a common reason. So that eventually, they don’t have to. That brings us to the Retirement Planning Checklist. With thousands of financial advisors attempting to help people bridge the emotional and financial gap of working to not working...
3 Financial Planning Lessons Learned from a 40-Year Investing Career
In my 40 years of investing in the stock market, (I started young, ok?), I have seen changes in the markets and in the places where outperformance lived. I have seen bonds start a multi-decade bull market. I have seen three supersized corrections from the 1987 shot...
4 Tips For Keeping Your Digital Life Secure
Keeping up with computer security can be a difficult and confusing task. Sometimes it’s best to take something that can be overwhelming and begin with some simple things that will go a long way to making your digital life more secure. So, here are four easy and...