Our Approach

1. Discover

We don’t typecast, we listen. Your situation and goals are unique. That’s where we start.

2. Personalize

Investments & spending needs are specifically combined to achieve your personal objectives.

3. Manage

Your accounts are managed proactively. We make decisions based on common sense & logic vs. trying to predict or time markets.

4. Measure

Our investment measurement is simple: Does it match our client’s goals? Can it improve the probability that those goals will be achieved?

We openly discuss with our clients what they are buying,
what it attempts to accomplish, and what it costs them.

How We Help

Our Four Pillar Approach

At Salomon & Ludwin, we are listeners & problem solvers. We are dedicated to understanding and appreciating the uniqueness of each client. Your priorities are our focus.

Our clients aren’t two-dimensional. That’s why we strive to build portfolios as multifaceted as you.

We have strong convictions. And are passionate about what we do and how we do it.

Introducing the Four Pillars

house, paycheck and coin graphic

Cash Flow Engineering

Risk Management

Tax Efficiency

Documentation & Coordination

Our Four Pillars are the foundation of our commitment to you

Cash Flow Engineering

Understand, in a personal & meaningful way, how much you need and when you need it.

How we do it

Clear vision of your future spending needs allow for intelligent decisions. With this knowledge, we are able to:

  • Have the proper amount of cash set aside for upcoming expenses
  • With our TriggerPoint™ logic, sell on strength to create cash during rising markets to pay for future expenses
  • Help avoid one of the worst investment mistakes you can make: being forced to sell investments while they are down in order to pay your bills

Risk Management

We don’t stereotype our clients by age to determine risk tolerance.

Learn More

We begin by pinpointing how much risk you want, how much risk you need to take to reach your goals, and how much risk you actually have in your portfolio.

Once we have established your risk parameters, it is incorporated into our TriggerPoint™ logic. Over time, this helps ensure your investments don’t drift and become more risky than you need or can tolerate.

Markets are unpredictable. This proactive planning is to help you sleep at night, especially during volatility.

Tax Efficiency

It’s not just how much you make, it’s how much you keep after taxes, that matters.

See Why

Our team works to maximize the tax efficiency of your portfolio, and help reduce the effect of taxes on your investments. We do this by:

  • Using low cost, tax efficient, transparent investments to implement our strategies
  • Trading only when necessary to manage risk and cash flow needs
  • Tax Loss Harvesting done throughout the year
  • Determining the advantages of using taxable or tax-advantaged accounts throughout various stages in your life

Documentation & Coordination

What plan do you have in place to navigate your life and legacy?

We Can Help

Do you have someone in your family who handles most of the finances? Will others be able to find important information, if that person isn’t able? Do you want to control who has access? We can help with that, and more.

We offer the Salomon & Ludwin Everplans secure portal to help organize vital financial, legal and healthcare documents and digital accounts, as well as final wishes. This ensures that your requests are met, and your loved ones are prepared.

We will also coordinate with your attorney, accountant and other professionals who are important to your family.

The goal: To create confidence and lessen worry, so you can truly enjoy life.

Our Investment Beliefs Drive Our Investment Discipline

David Staples, Dan Ludwin, and Jacob Salomon

We believe:

  • Markets don’t go up forever, and they don’t go down forever.
  • A forced discipline to buy lower and sell higher is a logical way to invest.
  • Investing in low cost, diversified and tax efficient vehicles (ETFs) is wise.
  • Limiting individual stocks and over concentration is crucial to avoid unnecessary investment risk.


  • Understanding and preparing in advance of your planned spending allows you to live and spend more comfortably regardless of market movements.
  • Measuring, monitoring and managing to your personal Risk Comfort Zone is essential in navigating through volatile markets.
bar charts and graphs

That’s Why We Developed TriggerPoint™

Salomon & Ludwin developed the patented TriggerPoint™ Strategy in late 2008, because we felt that traditional money management options seemed more focussed on trying to predict the future vs. using the facts of where markets are today, and where they’ve come from.

The TriggerPoint™ Strategy’s objectives are based on common sense & logic, not chance. It is methodical, unemotional, deliberate and systematic.

Equally important, TriggerPoint™ is not a “one size fits all” model. It is uniquely customized based on your risk tolerance and income requirements.

We believe that this is what makes our investment strategy particularly meaningful to our clients.

History & Evolution of TriggerPoint™

*Please Note: Limitations. The scope of any financial planning and consulting services to be provided depends upon e terms of the engagement, and the specific requests and needs of the client. Salomon & Ludwin, LLC does not serve as an attorney, accountant, or insurance agent.  Salomon & Ludwin, LLC does not prepare legal documents or tax returns, nor does it sell insurance products.
Please Also Note: Different types of investments involve varying degrees of risk. Therefore, it should not be assumed that future performance of any specific investment or investment strategy (including the investments and/or investment strategies recommended and/or undertaken by Salomon & Ludwin, LLC) or any planning or consulting services, will be profitable, equal any historical performance level(s), or prove successful. A copy of our current written disclosure Brochure discussing our advisory services and fees continues to remain available upon request or here.

We’re Personally Invested.

We don’t delegate managing your money to people you don’t know.

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